For you to become successful. Really, and just how do we do that and how?
To need an agent the whole process starts with you. First thing is that 'you'
have to really, really want to be a professional. By professional we mean,
you have what it takes to work as a professional in acting/modeling. And
believe me that assumption is not your personal opinion, but a pragmatic
one based on how you have prepared yourself, just like you would in any
other profession whether it be a bartender, carpenter or a lawyer. This is
where we come into the picture. New talent will have to come in for an
evaluation by one of our staff, which shall include reading a short script,
walking and of course the verbal part of the interview. Your answers to a
series of questions etc.. This is to determine your true interest and your logic
for accomplishing your goals whatever they may be. If we are on the same
page with you, we believe you are serious 'and' your evaluation goes well,
the agency most times will pay for a series of well constructed classes to
get you to the point where you can be marketed to our clients as a trained
prepared professional. Next you are going to need very,very good photos
of yourself, Headshots. And not from some wedding or landscape photographer.
They have to be sharp, clear, in focus. We have a couple of industry photographers
that we recommend, 'and' we also pay for the photo session to assure
they are done properly. After all, we have an investment in your career. We receive
thousands of castings each year, over 30,000. We do many of those in-house
but also funnel through email, hundreds and hundreds to you to work on
yourself thusly just about guaranteeing you work in the industry. Actually,
there is not another agency that does what we do.
Interested? Either email us or give us a call. We start ages with kids,
about 8 months of age and up until, well forever. The oldest person we have
ever booked on a job was 88, eighty-eight.
Good luck.