Saturday, October 17, 2015

So you think you are ready?


Let's also say that you are a big strong male, but have little or no training or experience and you see a casting call that fit's you perfectly.
All of your friends tell you how good look. You feel good about yourself and you get the call. So you go. And you go in the audition room and the first five other guys you see look like Dwayne Johnson at his best. And they all have training and experience. You get this sinking feeling in your gut, as well you should, because you are dead in the water.
Or you are a hot female, you know because everyone tells you so. You get the same kind of call. You also have a short resume, but you look good. Right? You walk in the door and sure enough there stands a young Halle Berry, or a Giselle looking girl plus a few more drop deads. And just like the guy above, you fall a little short in the resume dept.
Are these type scenarios good for you. Absolutely!  When your are not picked, turned down, rejected, many times it wakes you up to the reality of the situation. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ACTOR.ACTRESS OR MODEL THAT IS BEING SEEN. 
Additionally there are times when you will not know that there were some really, really tough competition wanting the same job that you want.
Don't get your underwear in a wad. You are most certainly not going to get ever job, every audition, every opportunity that is out there. In fact it's not even close. 
First it is the 'look'. And that is whatever in the world the Director is looking for at this moment, for this scene. Then comes the hard part. The ability to deliver the character or situation like whomever the person in charge wants. And do it now. And sometimes the first time. You may not get a second chance. You can be on the one foot line, but still not score. And that one scene, that one role could have been the one that changed your life. But you were not ready. And the worse part is. You didn't even know it.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


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