Thursday, October 8, 2015


Agents play a vital role for actors/models that are serious about a career. Sure some work without an agent in both acting and modeling. But
this is not the same ones with solid roles that pay all the bills. Where you are recognized. Both usually begin the same way on the same jobs. 
But those without the necessary training, photos and proper guidance by an agent or agency mostly stay where they began. (BE CAREFUL IN THIS ARENA, MANY ARE NOT REAL AGENTS BUT SCHOOLS)
Real agents usually get actors in 3 ways. 1. They are discovered, maybe by calling an agent from their website or were referred by the BBB or a State office. 2. They were referred by another talent, actor or model  3. They were sought out from other agencies (stolen) if you prefer. Beginners or those with little or no resume usually come from 1. or 2..
Try to create these type of opportunities on your own. Do a little research. And, realize that you have to begin somewhere.
And, try not to get your feelings hurt if you are told no. You may not fit the part. You may not fit the agency. There is NOT one agency that is a fit for everyone. There are requirements, things that you are going to have to have. If you were to call an agency and they tell you everything they can do for you without seeing you, or seeing your resume if you have one. Don't bother with them any further.
Georgia is quickly becoming #1 in film production in the country, But it is NOT Hollywood, LA in the 1930's where you might get 'discovered' sitting on a stool in an ice cream shop on the corner of Hollywood and Vine.

William Reynolds
William Reynolds Agency 1930 North Druid Hills Rd. Suite 102
Atlanta, Ga. 30319


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