Tuesday, September 29, 2015

WHY? Because you love it!

So, maybe you have spent months of submitting yourself to the tons of projects you find on all the casting websites and you simply aren't getting called so you can show just how good you really are. Or, maybe you are going on auditions but still nobody wants to hire you. Or you're spending or have spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on workshops or 'pay to meet' agents or directors. And still nothing. Now you begin to question everything from your head shots to your talent, even to the decision to even try.. You've even thought about quitting altogether, like your friends tell you you should do. "Get a real job' they say. And then there are those that you know that have done very little to nothing and they have moved forward. I am certainly not advocating that route, but it does happen from time to time. This is not fair, right? So why do you do it? Because it makes you happy, it drives us, it give us the freedom to explore ourselves and hang out with other like-minded people.
And then, suddenly it seems you get booked, hired, you're on TV and making good money. And heaven knows you've earned it. You paid your dues. It's a great career, and no-one is forcing you to do it. You, on your own have lived and suffered through the good and the bad.
Why? Because you love it.

william reynolds


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