Friday, October 9, 2015


Tips on Acting, and Auditioning.
a. Have a good work ethic, Show up early. No ones going to get all hacked off because you were early. At the very minimum BE ON TIME.
b. Be prepared. Preparation is absolutely essential. Many, too many actors fail to do this, then cast blame on just about everyone, their agent.
friends, relatives even other actors. Be fully prepared and feel good about it. Believe me you will know.
c. Problems? Leave them at the door. Bills, financial issues, social problems etc.. Let it all go. Let it go. This is 'your' moment.
d. Don't complain or moan. Casting directors, Directors don't really care. They have a job to do. If you don't like something, then do something about it or shut the #$&* up. If you don't like what you are doing then quit.

William Reynolds


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