Friday, October 23, 2015

Don't be that bad Actor!


It has been my experience, the way to cut around actors with a limited skill set is to film with that in mind assuming it's too late 
to audition more actors.  You really cannot edit around bad acting in post. So what does a director do? Maybe shoot at a lot of
different angles, cuts and lots of visuals and then get the actor (If you can) to do some short specific lines.
For the actor, a lot of strong pauses can divert a poor performance somewhat. Plus to take a little weight off the actors shoulders.
Actors that have had a lot of quality training from those that have 'been there, done that', listened, took scenes to heart, help the
director enormously.
This is one of the reasons that directors push so hard at auditions and rehearsals. The actor may have exactly what the director is
looking for physically, but just can't seem to get past that one hump. And that 'hump' may be one of the most important parts of the
scene. The bigger and better parts require a lot from all of those involved. If an actor comes up short in an audition or rehearsal they
are very likely to do the same thing when the cameras are rolling. Unfortunately for the director it is too late to find someone else, and
he fully well knows he has made a costly mistake in hiring this particular actor in the first place. So now is when the different angles,
more visuals come into play. He has no choice.
Agents are also partly to blame for submitting actors that they like, but know that maybe they are not quite ready.. But they also know 
that the actor fits the part perfectly and they want them to work, they want them to make money and succeed. But once again they died 
on the one yard line and the director had to carry them into the end zone. 


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