Monday, October 26, 2015


I have talked about this many times before now:
A lot of actors, whether on the actual set or on an audition may prepare well for the acting part by trying 
to develop the character as they see fit. But, at the same time have no idea what happened along the way
to this particular 'moment'. What caused me to be upset and why? Why was I suddenly happy? Why was
I totally indifferent to my surroundings?  Is the answer "I really don't know?" Then you, the 'actor' must create
the events, or circumstances that led up to this 'moment'. You will have to make them up, Especially if you
don't have the full script but only a page or two for this particular scene. And this is not done spontaneously.
It has to be done long before you begin the scene. Create a scenario on you own that will set in motion the 
scene you about to perform. And when doing so, don't just go back a few minutes or a couple of hours. Go 
back several hours or a day or two. 
And remember this. Your character does not instantly fade away when the scene ends. Not 'if' you were 
actually in character.


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