Well, according to Mr. Reynolds and his thousand years of experience on all sides, the wanna-be, the actor and the agent.
So, many of those just beginning to make an attempt to start a career in the Arts.
Do very little to no research at all on agencies.
Listen to way too many people telling them what they need to do, when they to know next to nothing other than what they've
heard or idle gossip.
Who exactly are these 'people'? Unfortunately they usually are relatives, or very close friends, loved ones, simply just trying to
help. But sometimes this information so freely given comes from some with another agenda..JEALOUSLY !!!!! That's correct, and
they hide it very well.
And lastly it is those that have worked a very, very, very small amount in the industry, making very, very, very little money if any at
all, that try to guide YOUR career so it can be just like theirs.
Do yourself a favor, do 'real' research. Check with the BBB. Don't just rush out and get some photos done that may or may not
be adequate. Don't just 'sign up' for some modeling school because you've heard the name, or they fell in love with you, and then
you are someone spends a few thousand dollars with them and sure enough a year later, you are in the exact same spot, just with
much less money.
William Reynolds