Thursday, May 12, 2016

A few ways that can cause an actor to fail

William Reynolds:

A few ways that can cause an actor to fail.

Being Honest:  Don't look for an agent or a casting director to tell you what you want to hear. "Get the truth".          

Pinching Pennies:  It's difficult to fork over good money for the things that help you market yourself, your career. Really good headshots, and at some point a reel. Quality training if you don't already have it. These places are certainly no place to try to cut corners.

Priorities:  All great successes have involved some personal sacrifice. Get your ducks in a row. 

Staying Safe:  Have a couple of failures during your pursuit of success and you can get too cautious, too conservative, which makes the next attempt even harder. Don't be afraid to fail and don't take rejection personal. And really, really don't listen to this, " I TOLD YOU SO" from your friends and relatives, just keep going.


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