Friday, September 2, 2016

Enjoy the Ride!



It’s not like I can’t understand why so many of you out there are stressed out basket cases when it comes to acting. It’s challenging. But if you don’t operate from a place of fun, acting is going to feel like forcing a square peg into a round hole; it’s going to hurt and take chunks out of you.
Auditions are not tests that you need to ace. Looking at it that way makes your whole prep and rehearsal like cramming for a test, trying to find the “right” answers, trying to memorize them, and then praying you’ve prepared enough to deliver when it counts. Then, if you don’t book it, you feel as though you failed, didn’t work hard enough, or didn’t do it “right.” Where’s the fun in that?
And it’s likely that’s not even remotely true. Even if every actor came in and killed it, only one can book the job. There can be only one.
I’m a firm believer in that we do what we want to do. If auditioning and acting is a constant source of stress and anxiety, you’re not going to have as much motivation to do it. Eventually, you’ll stop giving it your all because your body doesn’t want to go through the stress of it all. It’ll fight you. And you will lose that battle. Loosen up, relax and enjoy the ride. Not many people get to do that in a thousand lifetimes.


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