The Blame Game
Do you know someone who is constantly blaming everyone else for his/hers misfortunes? Someone who is convinced and would like you and everyone around them to believe that every unfortunate situation that has happened to them is everyone's fault, but their own? If so, then what you might want to know is that their only hope is to stop blaming, and pick up a mirror.
It's very common for people to "cast stones" and blame others for the problems in their life - a possible defense mechanism people use to cope with problems. And why wouldn't we want to find fault -- especially if the fault is no fault of your own, but someone else's. "I went on this audition and I didn't do very well. They wouldn't listen to my suggestions. I think its' a scam. Why wouldn't they want to listen". Maybe, just maybe when you actually GET THE PART they will listen. MAYBE, And truthfully, for actors, at least for wannabes. This becomes a habit, they get to a point where they think everyone out there in film/TV and modeling land are scams (new word within the last decade or so) And the first thing they know,is that 10-12 yrs have gone by and they are still in the same place. But for sure, it was NOT THEIR FAULT. Some of the biggest producers (Stephen Spielberg) and actors (Johnny Depp) have also had disastrous movies. They just picked it up and kept going. They know they have the talent, the training and drive, and they've proven it time and time again. They are not simply 'guessing" they have it. They KNOW it, because they have worked at it for years, and it was not always pretty. IT WAS NOT SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT.
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