Monday, August 22, 2016

Constantly LATE?



The first phase of getting over a mistake is identifying with it's realness. ... If you can laugh at your biggest failures you'll have no trouble finding joy in all the good ones .BUT, There's plenty to learn from our mistakes, but once we wring it dry it's time to leave ... Then he/she started making excuses for not showing up but still wanted to be seen, and at least considered for the role or part.
The costs for filming a movie or big tv commercial is thousands of dollars for each minute. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE THERE AND THOSE WORKING HAVE TO BE PAID. This money comes out of their (usually) very tight budget. And if you have a relatively new actor or model show up late, many times for their initial visit or audition, there is a very good chance they will also show up late for the actual shoot.
And believe it or not,,,,,guess who the director or assistant director calls and bitches someone out. THE AGENCY OR THE CASTING DIRECTOR.  Not YOU, god forbid NOT YOU.  They don't even know you, but they for darn sure know us. And that is why an agent or casting director may also 'bitch you out'. Sure you have a few favorite excuses you can pull from your hat. Traffic, your ride was running late, got off at the wrong exit, baby sitter didn't show up. got called into work, and so on and so on. And with that many times went the one opportunity that could have changed your entire life. And you didn't even know it. Because you were LATE>
Too bad, so sad.


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