Monday, February 6, 2017




I personally took some acting/directing classes in Los Angeles (1984/85) with Garry Marshall, producer and director of HAPPY DAYS AND LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY in the late 1970's to mid 80's. This guy had been nominated for a ton of National awards including Emmys. There were about 10 people in my particular class. But there was this one guy
who had absolutely no experience and no resume that kept on and kept on asking silly questions. On our very first class he interrupted Mr. Marshall with " I've got something I'd like to add to that if I may" Mr. Marshall says, no you may not, you don't know enough, you're not smart enough to ask a question or respond to anything I say, so sit down
shut your mouth, or I will have you removed from the class. And if you think I'm kidding I truthfully hope you interrupt me again."  Several of us applauded, then Mr. Marshall
looked sternly at us and we stopped immediately. This past Saturday we had a new person that we were giving a chance (free classes) and he was very much like this guy.
No resume, no training not SAG/AFTRA giving unwarranted feedback to the SAG/AFTRA instructor. Some, like this guy think studying is like HS, or writing your own little scene at home and playing it out. NO, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL. YOU LEARN MORE FROM LISTENING THAN BY TALKING. SOME SHOULD TRY THAT.


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