Monday, January 30, 2017

Why Study Acting?


Why Study Acting?

The idea exists out there that acting training is a waste of time. Or that it's something you might do to "tune up for pilot season." Or that training is less important than meeting people – casting directors, agents, producers, Hollywood parties, screenings, going to Sundance – the myth is strong that success is based primarily in such networking activity.

And why invest money in a good acting class if you can take the same money nowadays and produce a short film that you can put on YouTube within 24 hours, (could be a killer of your career also)  receiving comments and acknowledgments, and maybe even... a deal!? So why study? Because whether you would say it aloud or not, there is something other than money and "success" that has driven you into acting. There is the thrill of performance, the ability to affect an audience, to create an emotional experience, to have an artistic experience yourself in performing – this is the true motivation. And in order to do this – you need to know what you're doing. You need to be trained. You need to study. Hard. Sure Money and success are what you get for providing quality performances. And the networking and parties and YouTube videos – these and QUALITY TRAINING AND A 'REAL AGENT' are means by which you try to create the opportunity to deliver a quality performance. Networking is important for sure – actors should be proactive in being at least part of the force driving their careers – and NOT JUST WAITING ON SOMEONE TO COME KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR.


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