Monday, April 11, 2016

Talent is Subjective!

What determines whether an actor is cast in a part in Hollywood?

I see talented actors in small parts & then someone will come out of nowhere & get cast in a star making part. Talent doesn't seem like a very important criteria or maybe it's because acting is an art & open to subjective judgment.
  • Relevant skills/ability
  • Executive sponsorship
  • Recognized success                                                                                                                                                  *Talent, experience, relationships, directors, awards, and financial risk reduction"
Talent is subjective. (after all I've been accused by some of having very little) but you have to have some level of showmanship. That being said some of the best actors I know have a hard time finding work.

Experience is key.  Back ground in theater, improv troops, formal training is very helpful.  The director and studio want to know you you have a history of showing up and being good.

Relationships- Film making is a collaboration and we all enjoy working with people we know and like.  Catching a break is often times built on some one that knows you and believes in you giving you a shot. 

Take that break and run with it, and don't look back. Don't be your own worse enemy.



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