Saturday, September 17, 2016

READ the Darn Script



You know what amazes me perhaps the 'most', when new wannabe actors that ( I use this word loosely) come in looking for representation, looking for an agent?  We give them a script to look over for a reading when their time comes. So, I walk out into the lobby and a fairly large percentage of these wannabes are doing what? Texting, or trying to talk with others that may also be waiting. And now it's their turn, And guess what? They hardly have any idea of what they are reading for, the character, how they are going to read, or basically anything at all. And of course, their reading sucks. Real actors>>>serious wannabes>>>>those that realize what may be a stake are totally different.

They play it safe. They don't enjoy themselves. And they "act."
When you walk into a room for an audition, do it like you have nothing to lose. Like you're on death row and there's no chance for a pardon and it's your last opportunity to say what needs to get said. And don't give two craps what I think. Just assault my senses, my preconceptions, and any expectations I may have regarding the scene's progression. And please, for God's sake, don't show me the shiny surface. That's what the other 10 actors did before you. Show me what's underneath the hood. I want to see whats inside you. What you're made of, the camera etc. Can you follow all. Turn the scene upside down. Shake it loose and let's see what comes out. Show me the danger and the mystery, so that the moment that's not anticipated surprises both of us.
And that certainly does NOT mean GO BALLISTIC.


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