Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Route to success


Actually there is no single route to becoming an actor, or even a model (many do both).  Experience
is important, but so is talent, determination, hard work, and yes, a little luck.
Many notable actors started in youth camps, school plays, the theater, doing extra work, and almost to
the letter, all studied. The only requirement with some of the acting or modeling classes is that you have
a 'checkbook'. No audition, not much of an interview, just sign up and write a check. Right! Sure! Be 
suspicious, be very suspicious.of these guys.
Many wannabes actually knock themselves out of any real opportunity they may have had initially.
Why? Late, not showing up at all, chip on their shoulder, ill prepared and ill informed. In this day and
age with all the technology available there is absolutely no reason to be ill informed. At the same time 
know that everything that you see on Google is not the gospel.
Most losers at anything, be it sports, business or academics etc. always have an excuse for their 
shortcomings and it's nearly always not their fault. Better, look at the winners and not the losers
and then see what happens.
Atlanta is either the 2nd, behind LA or 3rd, behind NY in film production and it gets better with
each passing week. This time next year some of those beginners this year, will be solidly entrenched in
the film/tv business.
Good luck to all of you.


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