Thursday, January 12, 2017




One day Stallone was sitting at home watching a fight between Weppner and Muhammad Ali. Ali was literally destroying Weppner but he kept getting up and coming back for more. He  was really fighting for it despite the slim chance he would even get close to winning.
This  inspired Stallone to begin writing based on his inspiration from this  fighter. He wrote for over 24 hours straight and after this time he had  written the entire script to Rocky. He began trying to sell the screenplay to many producers with no success. This went on for months. He  was so poor by this time that he decided he had to sell his best  friend, his dog. Stallone waited outside of a local liquor store asking  people if they would buy his dog. Eventually someone bought the dog for  around $50. He was devastated to have to do this.   He kept  pursuing this story that he had written. Eventually someone loved it and  they agreed to do the movie. He was wrapped and told them that he  wanted to play the part of Rocky. They declined and told him he  was a writer not an actor. Stallone disagreed and told them he was an  actor. He declined their offer of over $100 000 despite his current  poverty. A couple of weeks later they contacted him with an even  higher offer and Stallone still insisted that he play Rocky. They declined obviously.
 Eventually they offered Stallone a  measly $25000 so they weren't throwing their money away by having him as  the lead role. He accepted. Then the first thing he did was go back to  the liquor store to buy back his dog.  He waited 3 days for the  guy to come by and finally there he was with his dog. He offered the guy  $150 to buy back the dog, the man declined. The offer kept rising, but  again, Stallone knew his outcome and kept pursuing his goal.
It ended up costing him $15000 and a part in the movie to buy back his dog. The guy and the dog are in Rocky.  Of course we all know what happened with the Rocky movie. It won the  Academy Award for best picture in 1976. At the awards ceremony he read  out all the rejection slips from those who said the film would be sappy,  predictable and a film that no one would want to watch.   Now thirty years of acting and after more than thirty films he is one of the greatest action heroes Hollywood has ever seen. His story is a great inspiration for all those who want to succeed. Failure is not the end and success is not the beginning. If you know this well, U can be anything you want.


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