Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Who's In and Who's Out

William Reynolds


For our in-house castings (and we get tons each year), our Casting Director, Janet will have many people in mind for the roles that are being cast. She will go through a list of 'possibles' then we may go over them together. Normally there are more than one person that fits any given role or part. Some roles are very, very specific. For example it could be that they need a SAG actor, or someone that is bi-lingual, or big, or little, young or older. That alone narrows down the field. When you make the list you are already ahead of the game. If you make the cut with the Director but they don't believe that you are 'exactly' right, you have made quite an impression on someone that counts, and mostly they will remember those for future casting opportunities. 

Don't beat yourself up if you don't make it on every single audition, taping or interview. Why? Because no-one else does  either. Not anyone. Just hone your craft and keep your head up. If you get it Congratulations.


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